Kogan Wealth Management?

Our clients expect that we act in their best interest, always. As a fiduciary, we are required to provide a higher duty of care than most others in the financial industry.

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Integrity, above all else

We’re a group of dedicated professionals who, since 1996, have solved increasingly sophisticated problems for our clients.


Meet the team

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Meet the team

We pay close attention and provide personal care, as trust is the foundation of every client relationship, and it has to be earned.

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Utmost care

We’re well-equipped to deal with the most complex wealth management needs, and provide a distinctly personal investment approach.


What we do

Speech bubbles

Top-tier advice

What we do


We provide elite investment management and ancillary benefits, at a good value, that help protect and grow our clients’ wealth.

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Enduring value


Our client portfolios are multi-asset class and model-based to provide consistent and predictable oversight on all holdings, in real-time, based on objective and reasoned research.

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Predictive quality


We arrive at the best solutions by working collaboratively with a carefully-cultivated, extensive network of experts, both within RBC and in the business community.


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Collective strength

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We help you benefit from the strength and breadth of RBC

For nearly 25 years, we’ve helped solve increasingly sophisticated problems for some of the most successful individuals, foundations, families, and businesses in Canada. If you, or someone you know, can benefit from our disciplined approach to wealth management, we invite you to contact us.